Ultimate Fantastic Four #31

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Greg Land, Mitch Breitweiser Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 12, 2006 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

FRIGHTFUL PART 2 The zombified Fantastic Four break free! Plus, an alien object Johnny brought back from the N-Zone begins to grow and will soon consume every living thing on Earth. Only man on Earth can stop it. And that man is Doctor Doom!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Jul 21, 2006

    In an age where most comicbook arcs take one idea and stretch it over six issues, Millars dense three-issue tales have been a great antidote to the decompression sickness that can result from that kind of bloated approach, and are as rich with ideas as they are respectful to the classic conventions of superhero storytelling. Millars golden touch has really revitalised this book, and even though the new creative team of Mike Carey and Pasqual Ferry has its followers, I cant see the title being the same after he and Land leave. Still, with one more issue to go, Im hoping that the best is yet to come and if the popularity of the Marvel Zombies spinoff is anything to go by, this issues cliffhanger should promise a truly crowd-pleasing final issue. Read Full Review

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