Ultimate Fantastic Four #32

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Greg Land, Mitch Breitweiser Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 16, 2006 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 6
8.5Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

FRIGHTFUL CONCLUSION The Ultimate Fantastic Four versus the Zombie Universe Fantastic Four!

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Aug 28, 2006

    There's the usual action and humour, and even Greg Land's art isn't too bad, having shed a lot of the stiffness he's known for. But the core of the issue is an absolutely spot-on examination of Reed, Doom, and their difficult relationship. Mark Millar utterly nails their differences, and crucially, their similarities; they're both proud and arrogant individuals, but they're both honourable and heroic too. Yes, it's Reed who wipes the floor with the Zombie Four (in a sequence, to give Land his due, that crackles with storytelling energy) , but he's in Doom's body at the time, and he's making use of Doom's unique abilities. And it's Doom who, after letting slip a tiny bit of humility that only endears him further, finally saves the day and sets up a fantastic (pun very much intended) finale. It's not a perfect issue, by any means; the plot feels a bit rushed, and there are some illogical twists and turns along the way, but the focus is very much on the characterisation, and it's fla Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Aug 29, 2006

    If you havent enjoyed Millars run so far, theres nothing new to convert you here, but those who have been awaiting this issue with a mixture of expectation and regret at the loss of such a strong writing and art partnership should be satisfied by this final issue. Millars twelve issues with Land will make a lovely hardcover once theyre collected, and even if I cant help but feel that Ultimate Fantastic Four is going to suffer from the creative teams absence in future issues, at least weve been gifted with a solid years worth of comics for a book which after a rocky start is now really holding its own in the Ultimate Universe. Read Full Review

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