For once I was even left with the impression that the story was actually edited to work as an actual issue. The previous two issues left me feeling Card simply wrote a single graphic novel and Marvel chopped it into four parts. My only complaint now is that the book is almost over. I'll be a sad Ultimate reader indeed if Ultimate Spider-Man is my only outlet for good, progressive storytelling. Read Full Review
After a slow start, this issue picked up its pace near the end and really drove the story forward. I feel that there were a some wasted pages; the few comic relief moments didn't do much for me. But, overall this issue is setting up for either one hell of a big conclusion. I'm eager to see how they wrap this up. Read Full Review
I do like the more realistic artwork of the first volume, but Im certainly not turned off by this art. Its just a little softer (hope that makes sense) and not my preference. All in all, Tony and the others are believable characters with issues, strengths, weaknesses, and a charm that makes them interesting and compelling. Read Full Review