Judson Miers's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 59
7.1Avg. Review Rating

Abra Cadaver: The Afterlife Adventures of Harry Houdini #1

Aug 20, 2006

Overall Critique: The pencils are reminiscent of Tim Burtons work on The Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride which is polarizing, to say the least. You either love it or hate it. I happen to be more on the later camp, although not quite at the hate extreme. I do like the basic premise of the storyline, but its not going to be something that Ill continue to pick up.

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Adventures of Bio Boy #1

Sep 25, 2005

Overall, I found the artwork to be crisp, colorful, and pleasing. The writing and dialogue were on par with any Ive seen. Its comic but not silly. While I didnt have the actual printed issue, the production quality of the digital pdf was excellent. AND for your parents out there, I cant foresee anything that would keep your elementary aged children from reading and enjoying the adventures of this character!

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All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder #1

Aug 4, 2005

For myself, I loved Miller and Lees new Batman! Definitely something I could sink my teeth into. Just be careful with the kiddies

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #506

May 14, 2004

As always, the explosive combination of Straczynski and Romita Jr are stunning and well worth the read. At $2.25, its a steal for both the artistic merits AND the reading pleasure.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #510

Aug 3, 2004

Lets just hope this doesnt turn into something as awful as the whole clone affair! If it does, I might just have to tear up my Spiderman fan club ID

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #512

Oct 3, 2004

Ive made a commitment to see the storyline through to the end, but there probably wont be another ASM coming home with me. I just cant respect someone who has been so brutalized, allowed so many of his family and friends to be terrorized, and still goes on about his merry way carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders without doing what is extremely justifiable to everyone else. If he doesnt finally stop Osborn, hes as guilty as an accomplice and deserving of his own justice

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #514

Dec 27, 2004

This is for you, Stan Lee. I salute you and your characters, but out of respect for you, I wont be reading anymore of your flagship character, Spiderman. For that, I am truly sorry.

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Annihilation #1

Aug 6, 2006

Overall Critique: Nothing stands out as being of poor quality. The artwork, dialogue, and storyline are all tight and solid. My rating has nothing to do with the overall quality of the issue; I just dont have a lot of buy-in with this storyline. It just seems that there are too many massive changes that will affect all of the major comic universes going on at this time to really keep my attention.

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Annihilation: Prologue #1

Mar 12, 2006

Im really kinda skeptical about this whole thing after the DCU shake-up. It seems as if both the MU and the DCU are playing a me-too type of game with each pulling out of the same collective creative pool. IF IF IF IF the DCU and the MU actually have a change that actually sticks, this may be a very good thing. If its not, I (and many other comic fans) will just simply skip all of the hype stories and pick things back up after the switcheroo and have less and less respect for their stories and hype

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Avengers (1998) #500

Aug 1, 2004

It looks good, but I just hope that this isnt just some sort of media show just for some short-term sales. If the story is worth telling and shaking things up, lets make things permanent like the death of Gwen Stacy and Colossus. If things actually do have some lasting significance, Ill pick it up as a TPB!

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Captain America (2004) #18

May 14, 2006

Critique: I definitely liked the feel of this storyline. Its a more covert operations, military recon type of a mission than were used to seeing in the pages of Captain America. I know that he IS a superhero, but primarily Captain America IS a soldier, and it just seems right for him to act like one. The Lukin-reveal was a little creepy and hard to rationalize but effective. The artwork is appropriately grim and gritty combined with a little bit of dark and dreary which really worked for the typical British climate. Its even written to be a more realistic tale instead of the universe-splitting, time-altering type of storylines that have been recently flying off the shelves from DC and Marvel. Its simply a story about a hero trying to do what is right!!!

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Captain America: The Chosen (2007) #1

Sep 2, 2007

Lets hope that this storyline is on par with the rest of Morrells other works. If that proves to be the case, were in for an awesome story. Regardless, seeing Cap go back to his roots as a soldier and symbol of all our armed forces was especially nice to see.

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Civil War #3

Jul 23, 2006

Im going to wait until next year when/if they release the TPB before I decide if theres been a lasting change in the MU and worth the purchase price. Itll probably take that long to sort through all of the hate mail Im going to get about this review

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Countdown To Infinite Crisis #1

Apr 3, 2005

Overall, the storyline is intriguing and has gotten my attention like the recent Superman arc has. The artwork is also of the same level as Marvel. (In the past, DCs artwork has been rather static compared with Marvels artwork.) I dont know that I would let my kids read this issue (definitely PG-13), but after the debacle with Spidey and JMS, I may have to switch companies to the DCU

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Criss Cross #1

Jun 19, 2005

Personal Notes: I never knew Doug Miers (ironic about the last name I mean, how many Miers guys are there running around?), and in fact, I didnt purchase this comic. It was a reviewer preview copy, but after reading about Doug, I would have certainly purchased at least a couple of copies. I have become acquainted with him through the eyes of his friends, family, and coworkers in the tribute in the back of this issue. You see, Doug was an independent creator, agent, and retailer who never made it to the likes of Marvel, DC, etc., but was always out there working and promoting the comic industry. Its obvious that he will be missed

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Daredevil (1998) #82

Feb 12, 2006

Overall, I can feel a new life being breathed into a staple of the MU. The artwork is appropriately gritty and shadowy, the dialogue was believable, and the story has legs. I cant wait to see how this little story finally ends up!!!

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Daredevil: Redemption #1

Feb 6, 2005

poor artwork, uninteresting story, totally unappealing to me.

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Dracula vs. King Arthur #1

Aug 4, 2005

I wouldnt have purchased this issue (or successive issues), either from my comic shop or from Silent Devils website because of the subject matter, but the book is definitely a high-quality production and a worthwhile purchase for anyone interested in horror (not slasher or gore fans) that has a strong and definite storyline.

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Dracula vs. King Arthur #2

Aug 30, 2005

I still dont think that I would have purchased this series because its not really my thing, but the story is interesting and put together well.

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Drax the Destroyer #1

Sep 25, 2005

I wont be buying any of this series. Theres just not anything thats compelling enough to keep me interested.

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Hatter M: The Looking Glass Wars #1

Oct 30, 2005

Critique: Actually, I really liked it! The premise is different enough to be interesting, the story is laid out well enough to be compelling, butthe artwork is sort of Jae Lee-ish mixed with Frank Miller. Im more into the more JRJR, Bagley, etc. style of artwork. Other than the artwork, I couldnt find one thing I would change! If youre been reading any of my reviews, you know thats high praise indeed

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Hatter M: The Looking Glass Wars #2

Mar 14, 2006

I am totally hooked on The Looking Glass Wars stories. In fact, I was sent an advance copy of the book (that will be released in the US later this year), and the whole history of Wonderland is something Im going to keep reading! As for the Templesmiths artwork, I just really dont dig it. I like his framing, his action sequences, but just not the actual artwork itself. It has the dream-like quality of Jae Lee with much softer and cartoonish visuals.

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Hunter-Killer #4

Sep 30, 2005

For my money, the X-Men have completely lost focus with the characters and have become too out there for me. The reworking of Spiderman by JMS has made me cancel my subscription. The realigning of continuities that continue to happen at DC have got me confused and disoriented. Typically, the works of Image have lacked a sense of survivability for the long-term or have had a real sense of the occult or supernatural. ButI think Hunter-Killer is a series to keep your eyes on. By the way, its extremely difficult for me to find back issues, so wait for the first TPB so you can read the stories as a set, as opposed to reading a chapter a month.

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Hunter-Killer #5

Feb 3, 2006

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Edmund Burke

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Incredible Hulk (1999) #92

Feb 5, 2006

Overall, the artwork was solid (not spectacular), the dialogue and alien life forms/people/machines/etc. plausibly alien, and even though you know where this is headed, the rides fairly enjoyable. Besides, doesnt everyone like to see the Hulk get the @#$% beaten out of him once in awhile

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Killer Stunts, Inc. #1

Apr 17, 2005

All in all, not a bad read. Dont know that I would buy the issue without being turned on by a friend but not a bad start

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Liberty Girl #0

May 5, 2006

Liberty Girls artwork is clean and colorful without the vulgarity. While the artists try to show off her beautiful physique, its certainly not the typical nude supermodel painted with a costume type of artwork thats so common today. All in all, a cleanly illustrated story without the garbage

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Mr. T #1

Jun 5, 2005

I pity the fool who dont read my comic book!

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New Avengers: Illuminati #1

Mar 26, 2006

By the way, if this is a story about the Avengers and the most trustworthy members of the major hero groups, who could object to Captain America being in this group? If you cant trust your national superhero in superhero-type business, who can you trust? Save your money for an Extra Value Meal; itll be more filling than this comic.

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Nextwave: Agents Of HATE #1

Jan 22, 2006

Im sure some will enjoy this comic, but I wont be buying any of this series. Theres just not anything thats compelling enough to keep me interested.

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Planetary Brigade #2

Mar 24, 2006

One little critique is that in one panel, Mr. Brilliant is shown without his shirt that he had on in the panel before and after. I know its just a coloring mistake, but some of us (and you know youre one too) just cant keep our concentration when a little glitch like that is present, especially when it shows the bare chest of a 32-year-old virgin who HAS to weigh close to 400 lbs! With that said, the overall production was of good quality that is always expected for purchase.

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Samurai: Heaven and Earth Vol. 2 #1

Nov 5, 2006

I will be checking out the rest of the story and the previous storyline as well. The story could be condensed a little to offer some more substance to this issue, but its a satisfactory beginning to a heroic odyssey.

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Superman (1987) #204

May 19, 2004

Great book! I look forward to reading the rest of the series, and I wont have any regrets about my kids reading them either.

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Superman (1987) #206

Jul 1, 2004

Ill be looking forward to completing this series, and maybe Ill be converted to DC Comics, at least when it comes to Superman.

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Superman (1987) #207

Aug 3, 2004

3)Will either Superman or the priest find solace or absolution?

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Superman (1987) #209

Oct 20, 2004

As far as Im concerned, this storyline is as good as anything Marvels published in quite a while. (Some of you remember my Marvel bias.) This may be due to the fact that DCs just kicked it up a notch, or Ive still got the bad taste of ASM 512 in my mouth, but either way, keep up the good work! Ill at least finish this storyline, and who knows, maybe continue to pick up Superman into the future

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Superman (1987) #211

Dec 27, 2004

Besides Jim Lees always amazing artwork, Superman is made more human possessing a cool aloofness and a shy vulnerable side that is shown only to Father Leone. It seems that Superman has finally found both a confessor and his faith. Lets see how far both of those take him when he gets to where ever hes sent himself.

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Superman (1987) #212

Feb 4, 2005

Ive liked this story arc very well up until this point, but the last two issues were too cryptic for a score better than , at this point. If things progress and actually live up to the hype and foreboding, Ill buy the TPB after its completed AND keep the originals because its a series thatll have some legs!

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Superman (1987) #218

Jun 13, 2005

I enjoy Benes artwork. He has the ability to express both body and facial emotion as well as action sequences. While not on the exact same level as before, the writing by Verheiden is picking up where Azzarello left off.

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Superman / Batman (2003) #11

Jul 19, 2004

Lets just hope that Batman, Wonder Woman, and Barda can come to Supermans defense soon before he has a major emotional meltdown.

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Superman / Batman (2003) #13

Nov 18, 2004

There's also a very nice tribute to Christopher Reeves. Kinda ironic this issue ends at such a nice point to tie into the death of the man who made us believe Superman REALLY COULD FLY. God speed you, Chris. You'll be missed!

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Ultimate Iron Man #2

May 27, 2005

Comments: Can you really ever be dissatisfied with anything that has a Kubert signature on it? And the story finally provides a REAL villain with depth and character! I have been sooo tired of the Sabertooths and Venoms who were just larger, more powerful, clone-type versions of their counter-parts. I hope the rest of the storyline continues to develop as well as the first. If so, Marvels got another hit!!!

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Ultimate Iron Man #3

Aug 8, 2005

The only drawback of this book is the awesome amount of time between issues. That, and only that, keeps this book from being a perfect , and I dont give those often.

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Ultimate Iron Man #4

Oct 17, 2005

Critique: Although Im not always a fan of Kuberts art, such as some of the looser interpretations of the X-Men (remember the Wolverine without a nose!), there is some very solid work here. Card delivers a very solid storyline that has given me a series I would like to continue to read (unlike the Amazing Spiderman debacle and the New X-Men thing!). This is definitely one story Im picking up as a TPB so my kids can enjoy it too!

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Ultimate Iron Man #5

Dec 20, 2005

Critique: While I have enjoyed this series tremendously, the irregular release schedule has been a sort of a wet blanket on the overall impact of the storyline. Other than the timeliness, I cant say that there is much, if anything, that I would change. Those of you who have read my critiques know that I prefer good storytelling, stories that wont become dated by the years, great artwork AND something that my kids could someday read. This series has fulfilled all of those and more. I think this series is a great jumping on point for anyone who liked the old Iron Man but with the added freedom from being a part of Marvels Ultimates line-up.

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Ultimate Iron-Man II #3

Feb 14, 2008

I do like the more realistic artwork of the first volume, but Im certainly not turned off by this art. Its just a little softer (hope that makes sense) and not my preference. All in all, Tony and the others are believable characters with issues, strengths, weaknesses, and a charm that makes them interesting and compelling.

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Ultimate Spider-Man #99

Aug 29, 2006

Until JMS ruins the Ultimate Marvel Universe, make mine Marvel

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Ultimate Spider-Man #100

Oct 5, 2006

Until JMS ruins the Ultimate Marvel Universe, make mine Marvel!

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Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #1

Feb 3, 2006

Critique: Let me just say that the splash on pages 2 and 3 and the significance of it are well worth the cost of the issue, unless Marvel backs away and somehow makes this a non-event. (If you havent seen the advance images, youll be totally blown away! If its already been spoiled, its still worth the price of the issue even if there wasnt anything else in the issue!) While the issue is long on dialogue and scant on action (sans the image already mentioned), I think it does well to set up what has to be ultimately done. Lets hope that Marvel treats this storyline as a part of the continuum that wont just fade away.

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Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #2

Feb 28, 2006

Critique: The artwork is crisp, the storytelling is solid, and the topics explored are relevant. The only reason why it doesnt warrant more bullets is because of the letdown from last issue.

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Ultimate X-Men #49

Jul 18, 2004

Sinister kept referring to Lord Apocalypse; it appears in this telling of the X-Men mythology that Apocalypse has resurfaced and is trying to build his Horsemen for worldwide destruction. It appears that either Fury doesnt know about Apocalypse or just doesnt want anyone else to know what he knows about him. Either way, theres trouble a-brewing for Issue 50.

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Union Jack (2006) #1

Sep 17, 2006

Unfortunately, the book really just doesnt have anything to offer me. The artwork was descent enough, but there was just too much clumsy dialogue sprinkled with pseudo-British jargon. The worn conflict between the hero of the commoners and the mouthpiece of the rich and powerful where too little information is given to our band of heroes just plays into the sense of how many times have we been here already? Save your money and buy just about anything else. Youll be money ahead

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Warhammer 40,000: Damnation Crusade #1

Dec 24, 2006

I would have liked to know more of the backstory that preceded this specific story if even just a brief history, kind of like what Marvel does on the inside front covers. This makes it more approachable for new readers and helps fans who have not been keeping up with the stories.

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Wolverine (2003) #30

Aug 4, 2005

During the past couple of issues, seeing Wolverine and Elektra finally able to cut loose (absolutely no pun intended but I couldnt come up with another metaphor to express my thoughts) has been very satisfying and, in light of the current situation, totally appropriate with the storyline. I just cant wait for the final issue. I wonder if Logan gets the girl?

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Wolverine (2003) #31

Sep 2, 2005

Anyway, thats kinda nerdy point to bring up in a great story such as "Wolverine: Agent ofSHIELD." If thats the only criticism, Ill be happy to collect these in a TPB to reread the story in one sitting! Maybe, theres hope for Marvel yet

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Wolverine Origins #1

Apr 16, 2006

The storyline shows promise although I still dont get why he has to have the mystical sword. If he were still under the authority of someone, a samurai would be expected to act with honor and keep his sword with him as a symbol of his honor and soul, but as a ronin (a wandering samurai) the rules change and the sword has no symbolic significance. I think the ride will be interesting and hopefully lays down a definitive history of our beloved clawed one. If this turns sour, like so many of Marvels current projects, youll forgive me if I bail out and disavow all knowledge of ever writing this review. Gotta run, I think I hear a scratching at my door

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X Isle #2

Aug 29, 2006

So, why the rating? While the criticisms may seem rather small, and they are, they kept me from enjoying this issue to its fullest. There just werent any hooks to keep me interested enough to read the first issue or the next issues.

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X-Men Unlimited #6

Dec 27, 2004

I know this is the one of the shortest reviews in comic book history, but this issue just doesnt deserve more. The storytelling was lackluster and without a true sense of the characters. It was even difficult to distinguish the characters from the artwork. Im not trying to be rude, but I want my money back...

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X-Men: Phoenix - Warsong #1

Sep 10, 2006

Well, Im certainly under-impressed about any sort of Phoenix and/or Scott Summers story. The actual writing of the story was sufficient for my money, but there just isnt anything compelling here. Its bad enough that Jeans gone, but why do we must have more and more Phoenix stories? I understand that the Phoenix was a mythical creature that would resurrect itself every 500 years or so. Lets make a promise to quit digging up the old classic stories and try to pass them off as new and interesting or in need of further exploration. Lets make up new stories and commit to creativity and quit hanging on the coat tails of creators who were allowed to create stories without so much pressure to sell copies!

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