Amazing Spider-Man #512

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Mike Deodato Jr Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 10
3.3Critic Rating
2.7User Rating

SINS PAST PART 4 The worst defeat that Peter Parker ever endured- a moment frozen in the minds of Spider-Man fans everywhere- was supposed to be far in his past. But now, two villains- ripped, perhaps, directly from that very moment- have entered Spider-Man’s present reality, making his life a waking nightmare.

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Oct 12, 2004

    I saw all this coming a mile off, but its still an interesting twist, and I think that Straczynski does a good job of playing this in a mature manner. What he lacks as a writer of mysteries, he makes up for as a character writer, and I think he deserves a great deal of credit for what hes done with this issue. Its not sensationalist or exploitative, but mature and sadly, all-too believable. If anything undermines whats going on here, its not that Gwen has been tarnished, but that the art is not good enough to portray the story well. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Oct 3, 2004

    Deodatos art is very strong, and excellent at selling the emotions in this talking heads issue. In fact, the lack of action in this issue is more compelling than more pointless fight scenes would be. JMS is doing so much right with these characters; too bad hes put them in such a clich-ridden plot. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Craig Johnson Oct 3, 2004

    My 2 bullets are for the art. After months of moaning that Deodato shouldnt be allowed to draw superheroes, just people, he gets a whole issue to strut his stuff, and does a great job. I cannot, and will not, hold him accountable for the writers action. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jim Kingman Oct 3, 2004

    And thats what we have here. Days of Our Lives in the pages of a superhero comic book. Sins Past: Part Four is the stuff of soap opera. It even employs soap opera fantasy: aging characters at a swifter pace than humanly possible, simply to allow the kind of comic book action and confrontation readers expect from a superhero tale. But for the longtime Spider-Man reader, The Revelation is a harsh body blow. Its sensationalism. Its betrayal of established character. Its bad editing: Gwen went to London, not France (Im sorry, I dont care how high the writer or editor is ranked in Wizards popularity polls. If they trip up on established continuity, the faithful reader is going to be distracted because of the oversight). Sins Past does get high marks for Deodatos artwork. And Ill reserve overall judgment because this story arc still has a ways to go. But at this particular point, I feel bad for devout Spider-Man readers. I went through this ten years ago with Hal Jordan. No fun. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - James Redington Oct 3, 2004

    JMS has a lot to answer for, but not half as much as the editors at Marvel who agreed to this story arc. I will give this issue an extra half mark for being so stupid to think this was a good idea. Also I have given JMS an extra mark on the off chance this is all a buff, and the last part of the story will expose the truth that Mary Jane has indeed gone nuts and got it all wrong!! Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 3, 2004

    Mike Deodato Jr. earned this book its single bullet as he does a convincing job of conveying the emotional impact moments of this issue, from Mary Jane's anguish in the opening pages as she builds up the courage to tell Peter what she knows, to Peter's eruption of anger when he imagines Gwen's betrayal. There's also a great little moment where we see Mary Jane admitting the real reason why she never told Peter what she knew about Gwen. Norman's sinister edge is also well conveyed by the art during the scene where we see the wheels turning in his head about what to do with Gwen, the there's also a nice quiet moment where Gwen exits the room to learn Mary Jane overheard the conversation. It's just a shame that the art is in service of such a poorly thought out story, as Mike Deodato Jr. proved with this issue that he is up to the task of conveying the emotional turmoil that pervades this story. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Oct 3, 2004

    Heres your review quote: JMS and Deodato have constructed an elaborate and beautiful house of cards. It looks impressive, but it cannot stand. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Judson Miers Oct 3, 2004

    Ive made a commitment to see the storyline through to the end, but there probably wont be another ASM coming home with me. I just cant respect someone who has been so brutalized, allowed so many of his family and friends to be terrorized, and still goes on about his merry way carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders without doing what is extremely justifiable to everyone else. If he doesnt finally stop Osborn, hes as guilty as an accomplice and deserving of his own justice Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Oct 3, 2004

    Prepare second arrest warrant should the accelerated aging be responsible for the Green Goblin/Gwen Stacy Tots' death or should one Tot kill the other Tot. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Oct 3, 2004

    Its amazing (no pun intended) that an issue which contains so many good elements can be such an appallingly misconceived comic book, but its true. Moments like Deodatos crying Mary Jane or his silhouetted, brooding, costumed Peter standing at his window would be standout pieces of art in any other book, and JMS skills as a writer are still in evidence despite the subject matter but everything is so subsumed by the core of this story that it doesnt seem to matter any more. Im surprised that Marvel editors let him mishandle one of the key Spider-Man characters in this way, taking away more from Spider-Mans world in one issue than the entire contribution he has made since he started the book. Luckily, as a reader you are free to choose what you want to accept as continuity and what you want to throw away as if it never happened and I know where this plot is going. Theres only one image that is going to stick in your mind after reading this book: its not pretty and its cer Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Ultimate Goblin Dec 10, 2021

    This is a very hard story. This story is very hard for Peter. And that's why it so hard for fans. You know, all of you just rate it as 1.0 because you disagree with this decision of the people behind this book, but is it really worth it? I read bad comics in my life. I read boring comics, I read crazy and disturbing comics without any logic in it, I read comics with an eye-bleeding art. But this is none of these cases. This comic is very emotional and it can make you feel emotions. Even negative, but still, it gives you much more, than any typical story, where Spider-Man kick some bad guy's butt. Actually, I never really liked Gwen at all. I thought, that Peter was meant for MJ from the very beginning. From the first mention of "Anna Watson more

  • 5.0
    Brownie Jul 31, 2022

    Слог как всегда у Стражика хорош, рисунок норм. История оскорбительная чушь.

  • 1.0
    Julhin Mar 6, 2021

    I'm gonna be honest, this is a really well written story, the dialog is amazing, the art is gorgeous, but even though i'm not the biggest fan of Gwen Stacy this just feels so wrong. Gwen wasn't perfect, but she loved Peter and would never do this to him, and i really doubt that MJ would keep this a secret for so long, okay Gwen made her promise to not tell Peter because she was afraid it would destroy him considering everything he was going through at the time, but after Gwen died, and after everything that MJ and Peter faced together through their relationship, and after how much they matured and went from friends to best friends to lovers to husband and wife, and above all, partners for life with such an healthy, fun and beautiful relatio more

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 1.0
    Federico Liguori Aug 27, 2020

    SHAMEFUL. OFFENSIVE. This is literally a bad episode of The Bold and The Beautiful with Spider-Man characters. Affairs, secret children, out of character actions and sensationalism. JMS and Quesada should be BANNED forever from a Spider-Man comic.

  • 1.0
    Rhinoeat Jun 22, 2020

    This story arc literally drove me away from Spidey 616 comics for 15 years. Reread it and it’s still one of the worst things I’ve read, full stop.

  • 5.0
    Adsun22 Mar 23, 2024

  • 1.5

  • 1.0
    Eduard Khil's #2 Fan Mar 25, 2024

  • 1.0
    Mout Aug 1, 2021

  • 1.0
    Prodigalson16 Sep 4, 2020

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