Ultimate Spider-Man #28

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mark Bagley Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 8
8.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

Witness the debut of Ultimate Rhino as the mechanized menace tears through the streets of Manhattan!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 14, 2002

    A charming done-in-one issue, where we see Peter discovers that there will be times when his life as Peter Parker will keep Spider-Man on the shelf. Now I will admit that Mark Bagley did such a strong job on the Rhino, that I was a bit disappointed that Spider-Man missed a chance to engage the villain in combat, but Brian Michael Bendis does such a nice job of placing obstacles in Peter's path, that my disappointment was easily dismissed. The issue also manages to add some nice fodder for future issues, as we learn Peter role as Spider-Man has made an impact on his school work, though I'm sure most teachers would write it off as being largely due to the death of his Uncle Ben. We also see Gwen Stacy's home life is a bit messed up, and I'm sure that Peter's attempt to extract himself from this situation is going to backfire, as Gwen looks like someone who will emotionally attach herself to Peter, much to the annoyance of Mary Jane. Read Full Review

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