Ultimate Spider-Man #29

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mark Bagley Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 8
8.0Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

Someone posing as Spider-Man has gone a crime-spree all across Manhattan. Will Spidey be able to clear his name with the police or will he be dodging bullets for the rest of his career?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 25, 2002

    An interesting development on the home front and a genuinely shocking cliffhanger finish helped this issue to overcome its rather familiar plot. The situation with Gwen Stacy is certainly making Peter's life interesting, as Mary Jane doesn't care much for the idea of Gwen spending the weekend at his place, and given Gwen hasn't exactly hidden her affections toward Peter it's easy to see why MJ is concerned. The final comment by Mary Jane is also rather revealing as it does seem to suggest that she suspects that the reason Gwen is clinging to Peter is because he told her his secret. As for the plot involving the impostor Spider-Man, Brian Michael Bendis does look to be drawing upon the original material, but he adds a wholly unexpected twist in the final pages as we see Spider-Man learn a valuable, and decidedly painful looking lesson when it comes to his dealings with the police. It's endings like this that this book's twice a month shipping schedule doesn't seem quite so annoying. Read Full Review

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