Ultimate Spider-Man #31

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mark Bagley Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 8
8.0Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

The Spider-Man impersonator continues his rampage! The death of someone near to Peter will turn his whole life upside down. Can Peter clear his name?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Craig Lemon Dec 2, 2002

    A pretty big issue in that it does feature the death of a supporting player, and this death is sure to make an impact on Peter's world. The issue also does a pretty good job of tying this book to the larger picture that is the Ultimate Universe, as this book gets itself a guest-star from the pages of the Ultimates, and we see that Nick Fury is already actively protecting his future investment. The plot involving the fake Spider-Man also gets a good kick in the pants when it comes to forward momentum, as Spider-Man gets a reason to really be ticked off at this impostor, and the book ends with the two finally getting together. Since next issue looks like it's going to be the final chapter in this latest arc I imagine that we'll finally learn who's under the mask, as while the big money is probably on Mysterio, I rather like the chances of it being the Chameleon. Brian Michael Bendis could also throw a nice twist into the mix, as once they begin fighting I doubt any of the witnesses will Read Full Review

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