Ultimate Spider-Man #32

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mark Bagley Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 8
6.0Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Captain Stacy is dead! With his judgement clouded by rage, can Peter take down the imposter by the book or will he give in to his murderous desires?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 17, 2002

    This issue almost comes across as dismissive of the buildup that the previous issues have spent making the confrontation Spider-Man has with his impostor seem important. I mean how else is one suppose to take the scene where the mask is pulled back and the big surprise is that the guy in the costume is Joe Nobody. There's also the rather ho-hum manner in which Spider-Man's anger is dealt with as when we do reach the point where Spider-Man looks ready to completely lose it, he suddenly backs off, and all we get in the aftermath is a couple lines where Peter swears that he'll never come that close to crossing the line ever again. However the developments on the non-costumed front continue to perk along quite nicely, as the situation with Gwen looks to be heating up, and the final pages of this issue bring a new wrinkle into Peter's little world, as Mary Jane makes a rather momentous decision regarding her relationship with Peter. Read Full Review

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