Ultimate X-Men #29

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Adam Kubert Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Wolverine and Cyclops are at the end of their mission in the Savage Land. And though Wolverine is the one with heightened senses, it will be Cyclops who tastes betrayal!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 11, 2003

    This issue earns itself its recommendation because Mark Millar stuck to his path, and delivered a plot element that makes Wolverine a far more interesting character, as we see he actively tried to kill Scott, and this in turn will make all his future dealings with the X-Men suspect, as his loyalty to the group now has a serious black mark upon it. The issue also does some nice work detailing Scott's struggle to survive, as while I do have some reservations about why his injuries never seemed to get worse, the book does a nice job of showing the mental strain, as by the end Scott was very nearly insane. As for the material centered around the X-Men, it is nice to see the Beast & Storm discussing the state of their relationship, and the conversation between Logan & Colossus was entertaining, with the final line being a nice nod of the head toward longtime X-fans. Read Full Review

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