Ultimate X-Men #30

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: David Finch Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
6.0Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

Magneto intends to use Forge's power-amplifying machine to reverse the Earth's polarity, effectively wiping out mankind. Cyclops has other plans!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 24, 2003

    Truth be told I'm a little unimpressed with the one-note nature of Magneto as a villain, as unlike his Marvel counterpart there's no complexity to the character. Instead of a good man driven to a life of villainy, what we have is basically a lunatic with a super-powerful doomsday weapon. Now I will concede that it does make it easier to tell who the villain of the piece is when Magneto's big master plan boils down to the wholesale slaughter of pretty much every living thing on the planet, but since Mark Millar has the story playing out on such a grandiose scale it is rather difficult to get too worked up, as simple logic states that the big attack that plays out in the final pages won't be nearly as devastating as Magneto claims. There's also some odd little moments that the story doesn't really bother to explain, such as how Cyclops was able to contact the X-Men without being detected, and how the X-Men were able to arrive right at the doorstep of Magneto's base without raising any al Read Full Review

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