Ultimate X-Men #32

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Adam Kubert Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 7
7.0Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

After having partially restored their reputation due to their heroic battle with Magneto, the X-Men attend Parents' Night at the newly-rebuilt Xavier Institute.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Josh Stone May 5, 2003

    All in all, this book was great. Great story, great art, a whole panel that said VAM. If the VAM doesnt convince you enough, how about Kuberts drawings of the President? The book is only $2.25, thats a great deal for a title like this, and the Ultimate titles use that cool slick paper (you know that would usually cost like fifty cents more). Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 12, 2003

    I'll give Mark Millar credit for taking the book in a wholly unexpected direction, as by issue's end not only are the X-Men the darlings of the ball, but all their past sins have been washed away, as they are now operatives of the government. What's more they aren't under the table operatives, that the government can wash their hands of should the tide turn against mutants once again, but rather the general public appears to be quite enamored with our collection of mutants. Other fairly major changes, include Wolverine getting himself kicked to the curb by Cyclops (a very bold step for an X-writer), and it would appear Nightcrawler & Rogue can now be counted as members of the X-Men. Toss in the resurrection of Psylocke, the suggestion of a European branch of the team being created, and a dire warning from Thor about the Phoenix force, and this issue is just brimming with ideas for readers to digest. It's certainly taken the book into unexplored territory. Read Full Review

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