Ultimate X-Men #33

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Adam Kubert Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
6.0Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

Professor Xavier pays a visit to Magneto in his cell at the Triskelion while Cyclops tries to get Wolverine to join-up with the X-Men yet again.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 5, 2003

    I can't say I've been overly impressed with this book as of late, as while there nothing terribly wrong with the material Mark Millar is offering up, it's decidedly unimpressive, and nothing all that exciting is happening. I mean one of the more enjoyable things this book had going for it was that there were times when the book went in some truly unexpected directions, and I had hoped that last issue was a sign of this book's willingness to wander away from established continuity making a return, by having Wolverine punted off the team for being a backstabbing creep. However, this issue is almost a mad dash to restore the status quo as not only in Wolverine brought back into the X-Men, but next up is a investigation of his past. Now if Mark Millar actually starts offering up real answers about Logan's past, than I'll be impressed, but this issue left me a bit disillusioned with its return to the safe confines of ideas that have a proven success rate (e.g. the ever classic Magneto/Xavie Read Full Review

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