Ultimate X-Men #83

Writer: Robert Kirkman Artist: Pascal Alixe Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 27, 2007 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
3.5Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

THE UNDERNEATH PART 2 Nightcrawler versus the X-Men! Over the last few months, Kurt Wagner has been pushed to his limits and now the gloves are off! It's a battle to the finish as the erstwhile X-Man faces off against his former teammates!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Jun 29, 2007

    Overall, this was an issue that moved the overall plot along and doesnt really change much in the realm of the Ultimate X-Men. It wasnt great, and it wasnt horrible, but the potential and the possibilities of what may come are definitely worth following and keeping this title. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Jun 28, 2007

    As for the art, it seems that Marvel has given up on the series as well by hiring an artist who draws all characters to look in their forties. The excessive lines on all the characters faces age them and also make it look like the artist was too lazy to use an eraser. The colouring is awful as well, with a bland palette combined with shocking pieces of colour, like Jean Greys unnecessarily bright red hair. Dazzler looks like a guy, Angel and Colossus do not look attractive like they used to, and Rogue looks almost exactly like her counterpart in the original Marvel Universe, except older. Usually I like to think of one redeeming feature of a book just to be fair, so I'm going to go with the cover. I actually like this cover, the colouring and positioning looks great. Too bad the interior couldn't be that good. Read Full Review

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