Ultimate X-Men #84

Writer: Robert Kirkman Artist: Yanick Paquette Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 11, 2007 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
5.0Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

SENTINELS PART 1 The man from the future, Bishop, completes his own team of mutants, ready to carry on the legacy of Charles Xavier. And their first task is to stop the attacks of the deadly Sentinels against their kind.

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Jul 18, 2007

    The art has certainly improved, now that Pascal Alixe has been replaced by the more competent Yanick Paquette. While the art remains more rough, it works better with Paquette. Characters look better, with less lines making them all seem like senior citizens rather than teenagers. I enjoyed the art much more this time around. Hopefully everything continues to improve. For a series that has counted Brian K. Vaughan, Brian Michael Bendis, and Mark Millar as contributers, Ultimate X-Men should be a lot better. Read Full Review

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