Ultimate X-Men #88

Writer: Robert Kirkman Artist: Yanick Paquette Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 5, 2007 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
3.5Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

SENTINELS CONCLUSION The X-Men vs. Stryfe! The X-Men vs. the Fenris Twins! The X-Men vs. the Sentinels! Can one team possibly defeat three foes?

  • 5.1
    IGN - Bryan Joel Dec 5, 2007

    I don't know if I'm more or less tired of Ultimate X-Men after its brief glimmer of competency. What is immediately apparently, however, is that this stretch of stories will be looked back upon as the low point of the series. If "Ultimatum" threatens to end the Ultimate Universe, I can't say I'll be sad to this title go. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Dec 7, 2007

    The saddest part of this whole entire comic book has got to be poor Yanick Paquette. While Kirkman is busy running whats left of this series into the proverbial ground, Paquette has been improving greatly in his artwork. One can honestly track his progress issue to issue, watching this artist grow and improve. Every aspect of his work, from panelling to clarity and sharpness, is imroving. Hopefully he will be moved to other projects and this series does not become a career ruining run for him. None of the bad in this series is his fault. Read Full Review

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