Ultimate X-Men #89

Writer: Robert Kirkman Artist: Salvador Larroca Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 19, 2007 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
7.2Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

Storm soars solo! The sinister Shadow King is desperate to escape from the mental prison he was placed in centuries ago and he'll destroy Storm to do it! But will his freedom also unleash the horrifying swarm of the alien Brood?

  • 8.5
    IGN - Bryan Joel Dec 19, 2007

    A refreshingly good issue, then. And not a moment too soon, either. I was beginning to wonder if Ultimate X-Men had any good stories left to tell, and issue #89 came along and surprised me. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Jan 15, 2008

    Yannick Paquette has been replaced by an artist who has some experience with drawing the X-Men, Salvador Larroca. Larroca has pencilled a lot of X-Men comic books, including the first 24 issues of Chris Claremonts X-Treme X-Men, brings his experience to the Ultimate X-Men. This pays off in this title, and it seems Larroca was having some fun with an issue that contains some very different material. The scenes involving the Shadow King play around with both sharpened and dulled visuals, creating some contrasting panels that reinforce a warped reality in these sequences. The initial action sequence suffers from some problems in communication. Some of the more important actions is a little too subtle and easily missed. The resemblance of the Shadow King character to Wolverine is a little overwhelming as well, but necessary. Shadow King reminded me one some of the cover art from the mini-series telling the history of the mainstream continuity Wolverine, Origin, which is not a bad th Read Full Review

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