Ultimate X-Men #92

Writer: Robert Kirkman Artist: Salvador Larroca Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 26, 2008 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
4.4Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

Apocalypse's endgame is revealed as the beleaguered X-Men mount a last-ditch attack to save the world! Meanwhile, two more monstrous threats rear their ugly heads to ensure the young mutants' downfall!

  • 4.8
    IGN - Bryan Joel Mar 26, 2008

    Ultimate X-Men's "Apocalypse" is probably as close as Marvel gets to a All Star Batman counterpart: so over the top and gloriously ill-advised that someone has to be kidding. Glossed over and taken at face value, it's the best the book's been for quite some time. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Mar 28, 2008

    As I mentioned earlier, Salvador Larroca is not to blame for this series as his pencilling is steadily getting better. The action-filled issue is filled with plenty of dramatic posing, exaggerated fighting, and characters growling at each other. The issue looks great and flows nicely. The characters look great, fight great, and stare each other down with great enthusiasm, what more can you ask for in an issue that is cover-to-cover over the top fighting? Read Full Review

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