Ultimate X-Men #93

Writer: Robert Kirkman Artist: Harvey Tolibao Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 30, 2008 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
3.9Critic Rating
4.5User Rating

Has Apocalypse triumphed? If so, there is only one force in the universe with the power to end his iron fisted reign. But it is a power of such magnitude that its slightest misuse could bring about the end of all things!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill May 6, 2008

    The art choices made by Tolibao are rather strange this issue; his figures have an extreme look that fits the story, but recalls Igor Kordeys unusual characterizations and compositions on New X-Men. Still, the Phoenix / Apocalypse battle is intense and full of passion, and a later splash-page featuring the entire motley crew currently at Xaviers institute is a nice reminder of the current state of things. Next up is drug addiction and gay lovers, but its really the Dell Otto covers that are going to keep me away. My X-Men have a different adjective in front of their name. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards May 12, 2008

    The art, a sudden change from Salvador Larroca to Harvey Tolibao, is actually quite good; not to take away from Larroca's art, which was very good, bringing a familiarity to the Ultimate X-Men while keeping them looking separate from their mainstream counterparts. Tolibao can draw fire, and this issue is all Phoenix, so being able to draw fire is paramount. The other characters watch in disbelief and worry, which he nails with good facial expressions. There is really nothing to complain about with this art, it suited the story better than the story itself. Besides the male X-Men wearing impossibly tight t-shirts, the characters are drawn in a similar way to the previous artists. The new artist is not jarring or distracting, which can be difficult to accomplish. Read Full Review

  • 2.7
    IGN - Bryan Joel Apr 30, 2008

    Ultimate X-Men has never been lower than "Apocalypse," and #93's mindless script coupled with the unappealing art results in one of the storyline's worst parts. There is a silver lining, though - next month a new creative team debuts. Things can only improve. Read Full Review

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