Ultimate X-Men #94

Writer: Aron E. Coleite Artist: Mark Brooks Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 21, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 3
7.4Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

SENTINELS PART 1 The man from the future, Bishop, completes his own team of mutants, ready to carry on the legacy of Charles Xavier. And their first task is to stop the attacks of the deadly Sentinels against their kind.

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren May 21, 2008

    Cyclops is pissed Jean invaded his thoughts like that and Colossus is furious and actually attacked Jean before the fight was quickly broken up. This leads to the schism in the team with Colossus leading a secret mission to reclaim Northstar that consists of several X-Men, all pumped on Banshee, including Cyclops, Rogue, Nightcrawler and a few others, leaving in a Blackbird at the end of the issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards May 29, 2008

    Mark Brooks pencils compliments the classic feel of the story, with much of the over the top action of the initial fight looking clean and very energetic. The same goes for the more subdued scenes of simple interactions, with Brooks style being expressive and maintaining a high energy to it, encouraging the quick pace Coleite has set. While he does have a bit of an exaggeration issue concerning anatomy, Brooks seems to use this exaggeration for a purpose besides sexing up a comic book. Those affected by the Ultimate version of Mutant Growth Hormone are the characters with the more exaggerated anatomies, creating a physical depiction of its effects. Not necessarily negative at this point in the story, but if Coleite chooses to continue in the vein of Mutant Growth Hormone being a metaphor for real-life drugs like heroin or cocaine, than these exaggerations may prove to be an effective tool. His art is giving the story a visual representation of both energy and speed and giving an o Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Bryan Joel May 21, 2008

    All criticism aside, the upshot is I'm actually sort of interested in Ultimate X-Men again, and that's saying a lot. There are finally some good plot developments happening here again, and at the very least I'm intrigued to see what happens next issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. May 20, 2008

    I really enjoy the artwork in this title. Big panels are used throughout but they do not detract from the flow of the story and rarely does it venture into giant sized spread pages which are common in many Marvel titles and which serve little purpose other than as nice mini pin ups. Some of the story elements in this comic have insured me picking it up in the future, if only to see which X-Men characters are given the ultimate treatment next. Read Full Review

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