Uncanny X-Force #9

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Kristafer Anka Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 31, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
7.5Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

The Fantomex Love Pentagram explodes!With the truth about their sordid past fully revealed, can Fantomex, Psylocke, and Cluster look each other in the eye?Every psychic ninja needs a vicious animal with no impulse control and a short temper to back her up...right?Puck! Man, does that guy love jerky. Especially buffalo and bison jerky, dipped in Canadian whiskey.Plus: a terrifying surprise villain from the X-past is definitely playing chess, not checkers, across Los Angeles.

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Jen 'Miss J' Aprahamian Jul 31, 2013

    UNCANNY X-FORCE has taken a departure from the "typical" love triangle arc found in comics, but while it's been a wild, almost surreal trip, it's also been astonishingly honest. Love is complicated. Rejection hurts. People don't always feel the way you want them to feel when you want them to feel that way. And, when you're a metahuman with deadly abilities, it's even more of a mess. I'm almost sad to see this arc come to a close, because even though the Revenant stuff looks scary and interesting, it's not going to be the same as this passion-filled super-soap-opera. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Jul 31, 2013

    This side arc of Uncanny X-Force has really shown the scope of the material presented by the new writer. Hopefully fans will get back on board with this title eventually because it still retains a high level of quality. This side story with Fantomex is really a make or break moment for fans in the current incarnation of the series. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 31, 2013

    The best that can be said for Uncanny X-Force now is that Sam Humphries shows a clear intention to move forward and embrace the full team roster again. Hopefully we've seen the series at its worst, and things can only improve from here. Read Full Review

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