Uncanny X-Men #409

Writer: Joe Casey Artist: Sean Phillips Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
4.0Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

Archangel buys out the Vanisher's drug business, while Nightcrawler learns that the Church of Humanity has plans concerning him.

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 30, 2002

    Joe Casey's run on this series is notable for his seeming reluctance to actually involve the cast in threats that actually endangered the group, as this issue plays nicely into this pattern as we see Warren's plan for dealing with the Vanisher & his lethal drugs is largely centered around back room wheeling & dealing instead of direct conflict. Now I'm all for a writer trying to shake up the standardized format of how a story plays out, but truth be told I can't say I found the solution that Warren comes up with all that credible, as what's keeping these people from simply taking the money he gives them & setting up shop at another location. Wolverine's approach may have been simplistic, but it would've offered up a more rewarding finish, not to mention a fair sight more entertaining adventure than what we did get. As for Nightcrawler's encounter with the Church of Humanity, it only served to further reinforce my belief that this is a poorly conceived & executed idea, and here's hoping Read Full Review

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