Uncanny X-Men #410

Writer: Chuck Austen Artist: Ron Garney Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
6.0Critic Rating
5.1User Rating

Wolverine, Iceman, Archangel, Nightcrawler, Stacy X, and Monet head to Scotland when Xavier reported a distress call he picked up. But to complicate matters, the Juggernaut has shown up!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 19, 2002

    The arrival of the new writer didn't set the world of fire, as the two plots that play out in this issue should be rather familiar to most fans. I mean the plight of Sammy almost reads like an after-school special, and while it is redeemed somewhat by some cute interaction between Xavier, Sammy and the Beast inside the Blackbird, this plot is pretty forgettable. As for the more action orientated plot involving the X-Men, I must admit the last page did grab my interest, and there are a couple fun moments, with the interaction between Stacy X & M being the highlight. I also like the fact that the book acknowledges that Stacy X hasn't seen much action during her stint in the X-Men, so she does fall to pieces a bit when the chips are down. The X-fans who are enjoying Grant Morrison's work on the sister title will probably find this book a bit too old school for their tastes, but it held my interest enough that I'll at least give it a passing grade. Read Full Review

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