Uncanny X-Men #423

Writer: Chuck Austen Artist: Ron Garney, Mark Morales Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 5
4.0Critic Rating
4.2User Rating

The X-Men are hit at home when the Church of Humanity crucifies four mutants, including Jubilee, on school grounds. Does Archangel's blood hold the key to reviving them, or is it too late?

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Kozlowski May 20, 2003

    This is an issue that would seem to be aimed at building up the fan base, and while it's a sight better than the convoluted mess that was being offered up when the first X-Men film made it's appearance, I do have to question if this is really the best introduction that one could have to the X-Men. I mean Chuck Austen employs all the subtlety of a sledgehammer in his examination of the idea that people use religion to justify downright wicked behavior, and honestly I rather dislike the heavy-handed methods that he employs to make his point, as one almost gets the sense that Chuck Austen is trying to say religion is bad. Now I'm sure he'll say he's merely trying to expose the idea that people will commit great evils in the name of religion, but he simply doesn't look to possess the writing prowess to pull it off. As it stands instead of an easily accessible adventure that would produce a new crop of fans, we have a clumsy bit of writing, that is simply isn't entertaining, nor is it as in Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Pat Payne Nov 16, 2017

    Um... yeah. Let's just pick apart the so-called Church of Humanity's plan.

    1. They want to get Nightcrawler elected Pope. Here's the problem. While Kurt, as a baptized, practicing Catholic, is theoretically eligible, he has zero chance. As a practical matter, the Popes have been for centuries elected from the College of Cardinals. Also, the "Church of Humanity" looks to be plainly schismatic, and with an agenda and leadership that would draw a rebuke, an Apostolic Visitation (basically a consent decree, for lack of a better term) or even a suppression upon them in real life. So no red hat for poor Kurt :( I'm not even sure he was validly ordained. by the by, when did he have time to go through four-to-eight years of Seminary in more

  • 9.0
    Sid_Vicious1984 Sep 5, 2024

  • 7.0
    Mout Nov 29, 2021

  • 3.0
    Eduard Khil's #2 Fan Jun 25, 2024

  • 1.0
    Prodigalson16 Sep 7, 2020

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