Uncanny X-Men #422

Writer: Chuck Austen Artist: Ron Garney Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
2.0Critic Rating
5.4User Rating

Tensions mount between the X-Men and Alpha Flight as the premier Canadian superhero team attempts to remove students from the perceived dangers of Xavier's school. Meanwhile, Archangel is blindsided by a surprise gift from Stacy X.

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 7, 2003

    An issue that left me completely depressed, and highly dubious about Chuck Austen's ability to deliver work that I would find enjoyable. From his overly melodramatic romances that manage to make soap opera writing look subdued, to the colossal misfire that is the big conflict between Alpha Flight & the X-Men, this issue stands up as a truly terrible issue. Now a large part of my disappointment stems from the fact that the issue did have a pretty solid premise to stage this conflict from, as I can fully understand why their would be serious concerns about the school. However the ham-fisted way the fight breaks out, and the way it's resolved using a convenient "the governor is a bigot" escape hatch are both the very definition of bad writing in my book. This is easily Chuck Austen's worst issue yet, and I can only hope this was simply a case of the Alpha Flight fan in me entering this issue with expectations that were far too high. I don't see how it could get much worse than this. Read Full Review

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