Uncanny X-Men #421

Writer: Chuck Austen Artist: Ron Garney Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
6.0Critic Rating
5.9User Rating

Havok finally awakens from his coma! How will he react to the strange events that have transpired since his incident? Also, a surprise marriage proposal!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 22, 2003

    I'm beginning to think that I'm sounding like a broken record on this title, but issue after issue I come into this book hoping this it will realize the potential of the characters that it's gathered together, and yet I find myself continually disappointed by this book's adherence to its well worn plot devices, and dramatic scenarios that make soap opera writing look positively subtle. I'll admit I found the arrival of the New X-Men rather cute, as they almost project a we're too cool to be in this book vibe, and there's also a fun little exchange between Bobby & Warren in which Chuck Austen smartly acknowledges the relationship between Paige & Warren is a little creepy. However, the love triangle that is being developed between Annie, Alex & Lorna feels downright awkward, and the scene between the Juggernaut & Xavier has itself a couple cringe-worthy moments. However, the issue does earn brownie points for it's last page surprise. Read Full Review

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