Uncanny X-Men #429

Writer: Chuck Austen Artist: Philip Tan Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 5
6.5Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

Nightcrawler steals an X-Jet to get to Isla Des Demonas. Iceman's secondary mutation is revealed. And Juggernaut heads to Canada with Northstar in tow.

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Aug 11, 2003

    Well, for once, the X-Men appear to actually be on an adventure! And not only that, I feel like I want to follow them. This is by FAR not enough to redeem the past fifteen issues of the book, but it is an exponential improvement over what we've been getting. The grade this was going to be slightly lower, but I decided to bump it up a notch because of the plausible effort displayed. I'm proud of you, Chuck---let's see if we can keep it this way for more than a week Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Aug 9, 2003

    This seems pretty faithful to the spirit of the old Claremont Uncannys. If I still liked that sort of thing, I wouldnt have many problems with Austens interpretation. Visually, I liked some of it, didnt like other parts. Overall, this is an interesting issue and the start of a new storyline always tends to be a little slower than the issues that follow. It kept my interest. Read Full Review

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