Uncanny X-Men #446

Writer: Chris Claremont Artist: Alan Davis, Mark Farmer Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 6
4.0Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

The Fury -- an alien cybernetic lifeform that's indestructible, unpredictable and infinitely adaptable. How will Wolverine, Storm and Nightcrawler cope when it turns their own teammate, Sage, against them?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 14, 2004

    Alan Davis and his partner in crime Mark Farmer are one of the best art teams in the industry, so I have no complaints about their work on this series. Now this issue is a pretty action intensive affair, and the art is more than up to the task when it comes to the delivery of the high intensity moments, from the reveal shot where we see the steps that Wolverine took to free himself from the mental control, or the ever classic shot where he pops the two claws. There's also a great looking sequence where Sam's blasting ability is put to good use, as he battles Fury, and Nightcrawler puts on an impressive display of his high agility nature, as be bounces around the panels. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Craig Johnson Jul 9, 2004

    Unoriginal. Boring. Derivative. Bad. And thats just my review. Imagine how bad the issue must be. Read Full Review

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