The world's end!
Alan Davis is one of my favourite artists, and he's one of the few artists that makes every project that he works on far better than it would have been had another artist provided the art. I mean this issue offers up a threat that could've been rather silly. The whole idea of a race of beings that evolved from lizards is far more difficult to pull off than it would seem, but Alan Davis's art does provide the idea some much needed credibility. Plus, any issue where he's afforded the opportunity to deliver rampaging dinosaurs is welcome, and it's one of the primary reasons why I'm delighted by the notion that the story is moving to the Savage Land. The dream sequence inside Psylocke's head was also nicely presented, as Alan Davis offers up a visually exciting show. It made the rather scattered nature of this sequence far easier to take. I also loved the cover image, even if it doesn't really reflect the story inside. Read Full Review
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 2.5/5
Total: 6/10