Uncanny X-Men #455

Writer: Chris Claremont. Artist: Alan Davis, mark Farmer. Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 2, 2005 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 5
4.5Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

The X-Men return to the Savage Land! Plus, the team gains a highly unexpected new member!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 21, 2005

    Alan Davis returns to the book, and since this issue is the first chapter of a five issue arc, my fingers are crossed that he'll be on board for the entire ride, as the book seems just that much better when Alan Davis is providing the art. Now this issue manages to inject enough action for Alan Davis to deliver that one can't help but be impressed, such as the wonderful reveal shot when we see the reception committee that greets Psylocke, and the various training bouts are also a lot of fun, with Bishop's smack down of Wolverine being a particularly impressive sequence. Also while there's a cheesy 1950s alien invader look about them, I have to say part of me was delighted by the final page reveal, as Alan Davis has proven to be particularly adapt when it comes to the delivery of battles that involve alien invaders. Plus, the setting of the snow swept Rockies makes for a lovely backdrop for this battle to take place. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dominic Davies Feb 8, 2005

    Sadly the only reason I care to pick up this title anymore is because I love the characters, I love everything there is about the X-Men. But I also love a good story and this breaks my heart. Prove me wrong Claremont and blow my socks off like you did with X-Treme all those years ago. Otherwise, please don't ruin these characters, it hurts me. Read Full Review

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