Uncanny X-Men #481

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Billy Tan Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 6, 2006 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 5
6.2Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

The Shi'Ar Empire is crumbling at the hands of Vulcan! The X-Men, with Professor X captured, search for the one group of heroes that can save them and all of the Shi'Ar...the Starjammers!

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Dec 11, 2006

    Uncanny X-Men #481 was just average. Nice character development and that is about it. This story arc is creeping along at a painfully slow pace. I am forcing myself to retain some type of interest in this title. If you can't get enough of the Phoenix and the Shi'ar then you will definitely enjoy this title. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Handley Dec 14, 2006

    More than halfway through Brubakers space epic, and the X-Men still seem to be treading water while their enemies run circles around them. Hopefully, with the aid of their new ally and the reinforcements they plan to pick up next issue, theyll finally turn things around and start taking names. Not quite sure where the rise part of The Rise and Fall of the Shiar Empire has gone as I get a feeling itll be all down hill for them now. Overall, another solid if slightly unremarkable chapter as Brubaker continues to move his pieces into place. All I can say now is bring on the Starjammers! Read Full Review

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