Vengeance of the Moon Knight #7

Writer: Gregg Hurwitz Artist: Tan Eng Huat Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 7, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 4
5.0Critic Rating
6.4User Rating

“KILLED, NOT DEAD,” PART 1 Guest-starring Deadpool! Herman Goncharenko lies at death’s door, wasting away of cancer, but someone wants him killed, not dead. Someone desperate enough to hire a certain mouthy mercenary to do the job. Gonchrenko’s only hope just might be the reformed Moon Knight – if he’s able to withstand the force of nature known as Deadpool, and if Goncharenko is, indeed, worth saving. Parental Advisory …$2.99

  • 7.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman Apr 7, 2010

    A good issue to start a team-up storyline. There's a good balance of pacing, keeping the dialogue concise while still making you feel like you've got enough story for one issue. And Huat's art has a great range to suit each phase. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    IGN - Bryan Joel Apr 7, 2010

    Vengeance of the Moon Knight came as a surprise to me, with a strong central concept and great character work. But that's all sidelined as Deadpool takes over, and it becomes another in the tall pile of Deadpool releases this month (and not even one of the better ones). If you're looking for stories in the vein of the first six issues of Vengeance, you might want to wait for issue #9 in June. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Travis Walecka Apr 9, 2010

    Though not all is bad in Vengeance #7, particularly Hurwittz surprisingly solid handle of the Deadpool, the arc is simply met with too many conventional matters in just one issue. With the new title, new uniform, new gadgets, and new attitude, Hurwitz was supposed to deliver something unique and exciting to longtime fans of the Moon Knight. Slapping on Deadpool this early in the run, along with all the aimless quibbles and trivial banter that go along with it, isnt going to fulfill that notion. For Marvels sake, I hope DEadpools presence on the cover makes up for the sales dive when the diehards start dropping. Otherwise, Moon Knightll have no other choice but to echo Wades earlier sentiments about staring into the abyss. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Apr 8, 2010

    "Vengeance of the Moon Knight" #7 has the right elements to be a great comic, but the focus is skewed so that the boring, clichd parts get the emphasis, while the interesting ones are obscured. Instead of using Deadpool to highlight the fractured psyche of Moon Knight and his inner conflict, Deadpool is merely a comedic foil to Marvel's answer to Batman. Well, guess what, there are already Batman comics if people want to read them; This issue shows potential to be something different and good, but isn't. And that's a shame. Read Full Review

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