Venom #21

Writer: Rick Remender, Cullen Bunn Artist: Lan Medina Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 25, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 3
7.6Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Toxin vs. Venom! Flash Thompson's Last Stand! The Crime-Master Triumphant! – It's the Savage Six Finale the comics world will be talking about! CRIME MASTER'S IDENTITY IS REVEALED – and Flash Thompson and Betty Brant's lives will never be the same!

  • 9.6
    Read Comic Books - ReadComicBooks Jul 26, 2012

    I wish more fans of superhero books would support comics like Venom over say, New Avengers. New Avengers is the team that sells out every game but only shows up every once and awhile. Venom is the team that brings it every night but doesn't get the recognition because it isn't as 'flashy'. This is a damn good book. Read it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd Jul 26, 2012

    This was a pretty good issue. The ending seemed rushed, what with Megatak's death and all, but seeing Eddie burn was crazy, and It's pretty much a given now he'll be back as Toxin AND he has a reason to really hate Flash/Venom. And Jack O'Lantern will face Venom in the next issue so that should be pretty awesome. I even liked how cocky Bennett was in this issue, sucks to see him go but maybe he'll be back again. Betty shooting him surprised me, although I probably should've seen that coming. All in all, this was a pretty good comic, and I'm wondering how the Avengers will accept him coming clean. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Jul 31, 2012

    Venom #21 is an extremely solid read with a mostly competent script and some very nice art. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Jul 25, 2012

    The character work in this book looks top notch, but Lan Medina's depiction of Toxin still looks awkward. Toxin fills the page with his mass of tendrils, but his size and shape fluctuate so often that it becomes hard to determine what he ought to look like. Maybe that's the nature of symbiotes, but this one in particular throws off the visual flow of the book. That's my single nitpick for the issue, which otherwise looks stellar from its big action scenes to its tiny moments of bitter sadness. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc Jul 26, 2012

    With one final issue of the story to go which just so happens to Remender's last on the book expect to have the rest of his loose ends tied up as it draws to a close. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Jul 28, 2012

    With one issue left in his run, I have to hope that Remender is able to tie things together effectively and give us the ending his run deserves. Apparently the issue will feature a battle between Venom and Jack O' Lantern, which should be good given that he's been the most intriguing villain for Flash to go up against throughout this title. Luckily we have Remender continuing to use the character to his full potential over in Secret Avengers, and we know his run on that title isn't set to end any time soon. Read Full Review

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