War of Kings #3

Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Paul Pelletier Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 6, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 5
8.2Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Marvel’s next sci-fi spectacular rages on! Emperor Vulcan cuts loose, but will final victory depend less on military might and more on actions of the conscience? And how will the Inhuman known as Crystal and the Imperial Guardsman named Gladiator factor in to the escalating events? The balance of power in the Marvel Cosmos will change in the interstellar battle that IGN.com calls “the fight of the year”! Rated T …$3.99

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren May 7, 2009

    It's hard to believe how good War of Kings has been so far and we haven't even seen a Vulcan vs Black Bolt match up or Black Bolt vs Gladiator rematch or any kind of cutting loose between the actual "kings" of this event. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 6, 2009

    War of Kings has deftly placed Marvel's cosmic lineup back on top of the pack. Given all the developments in this issue, it's safe to say the war is really going to heat up next month. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn May 10, 2009

    War of Kings #3 was an excellent issue. DnA have this big event firing on all cylinders at the moment. I am having more fun with this big event than I have had with any big event for several years. DnA deliver an issue that offers the reader drama, action, adventure and humor all wrapped up in a delightfully plotted story that has plenty of depth. I would certainly recommend going out and purchasing War of Kings #3. This is a well crafted big event that should appeal to a broad cross-section of readers. This title is definitely worth the cover price. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Rob G May 10, 2009

    If you're looking for a fun andengagingread, then the War of Kings is for you. No doubt what transpires in these pages will shape the Marvel U for theforeseeablefuture. However, if your into cosmic Marvel than this will cement your convictions. But if not, this series won't convert you. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Charles Webb May 5, 2009

    If you liked this review, be sure to check out more of the authors work at Monster In Your Veins Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Mania - Chris Smits May 11, 2009

    Though I was complaining about the slowness of half of this issue, it's still solid. This is Storytelling 101 and the duo of Abnett and Lanning just continue to prove their proficiency in the class. I actually was surprised by how much fun I had by the end of this one: I had a smile on my face and an eagerness for the next issue, and that's exactly where I like to be after reading the last page of a comic. Though this story continues to be interesting because of the motives of the characters, don't let that be it's only selling point. When they decide to have a throw-down, Abnett and Lanning have no problems delivering the goods. With interesting motives, full-tilt action and great plot twists, War of Kings is the total adventure experience. I'm giving this one a B and have to say that it's not perfection, but it's a really fun read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comic Addiction - Chris Partin May 7, 2009

    Abnett and Lanning continue to make these characters matter to readers. You want to know what’s going to happen to them from issue to issue. While there is obviously a lot of action and those ‘blockbuster movie’ scenes in War of Kings, Abnett and Lanning are putting in some really good character moments that really push the story forward. War of Kings continues to be one of my favorite storylines at Marvel and I am very excited to see what the next issue brings and what happens after it’s all over. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza May 12, 2009

    The last panel revelation combined with Abnett's, Lanning's, and Pelletier's old crew the Guardians of Galaxy entering the fray promises intergalactic fireworks to rival the concussive nature of the Nega-Bombs used in this story. This story may be half over, but given how much the landscape has changed since the first issue, there's plenty of time left for some more bombastic action. Read Full Review

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