Wolverine #32

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Kaare Andrews Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 21, 2005 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
9.0Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

It's a ghost story set in a World War II concentration camp starring a feral character who looks like Wolverine, acts like Wolverine, but who is he really? The head Nazi running the camp is about to find out - or he'll die trying.

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Sep 26, 2005

    It's ridiculously ironic that this has come out in the current comics climate; it's a single self-contained story with no connection to "Infinite House of Bendis," and no padding to make it TPB length (for which we must thank the late Will Eisner); it's a mature story dealing with adult themes that somehow manages to avoid the juvenile enthusiasm for human degredation that characterises the industry's current attitude to "maturity"; and it's a Wolverine story that makes use of the character's essential attributes in a sensible and interesting manner rather than just playing him up as a maniac with knives in his knuckles. All in all, this is an intelligent, sensitive and well-crafted comic, easily the best thing I've read from Mark Millar. Why can't he always be this good? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Sep 26, 2005

    I also enjoyed the final afterword by Millar which describes the direct influence that recently-deceased comics legend Will Eisner had on the story. Its a fun little anecdote which relates directly to the storytelling process, and one that helps the reader see exactly how the tale they have just read was so effectively told. Id like to see similar such pieces in future comics, as Im sure more readers would enjoy gaining more insight into their favourite creators creative processes. Read Full Review

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