Wolverine: Weapon X #3

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Ron Garney Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 24, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
8.7Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

In the third issue of this all-new ongoing series from the same creative team as last year's sold-out "Get Mystique" storyline, the super soldiers of Strikeforce X have Wolverine trapped in the jungles of Colombia. They are heavily armed, ruthlessly brutal and outnumber him 12 to 1. But when one of their ranks disappears and screams begin to ring out through the darkness each night, the soldiers ask themselveswho's really the hunted? Parental Advisory $3.99

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jun 24, 2009

    I can't recall the last time a Wolverine comic was this good, but even the most staunch detractors of Wolverine will have to step up and take notice of this book if it continues to put out quality issues like these first three. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Jun 29, 2009

    Theres no further praise that can possibly be heaped upon Garneys artwork by myself. It remains superb, and theres nothing that can be said to be lacking in its execution. Wolverines new costume is particularly well designed. Whether its a product of Garneys, or Aarons, or both of theirs imaginations, its got to be the best costume Wolverine has worn yet to date. I never understood why he continued to be drawn with the flare mask anyway. Hes, most likely, the most well known figure in the Marvel Universe, with the possible exception of Steve Rogers. Daredevil wouldnt be Daredevil without his mask, even though EVERYBODY knows Matt Murdock is Daredevil in the Marvel Universe. But Wolverine is defined by so much more than a mask. I mean, come on. How can anyone forget a guy with that hair, and his claws? This series is becoming unforgettable as well, and definitely an enjoyable, intelligent and action packed one. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Conclusion Well, I like this Wolverine comic bett Jun 27, 2009

    Garney also appears to struggle a bit drawing her. Granted she's dressed entirely differently, but in the two scenes we see her in, she appears to be two different people. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jun 24, 2009

    The issue, and this series, is the perfect example of style over substance, but because Aaron is the one dishing out the style, that's not at all a bad thing. Alongside artist Ron Garney, who delivers all the requisite atmosphere and brutal action, Aaron is able to make this story so cool you'll forgive it for being somewhat derivative. There aren't many creators that could do so much with so little. Aaron and Garney are two of them. Read Full Review

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