X-Men Forever #3

Writer: Chris Claremont Artist: Tom Grummett Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 8, 2009 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
6.4Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

The mansion is still reeling from the events of the previous issue; having just scraped through the Fabian Cortez mission by the skin of their teeth, they were completely unprepared for a psychic blast from Jean, which rendered them all unconscious, and even less prepared for the subsequent surprise visit from one of their greatest nemeses, SABRETOOTH! But as the dust from the battle between the X-Men and this invader—culminating in a brutal battle between Sabes and a particularly vicious Storm—all may not be as it appears… Plus, what secret is Kitty hiding up her sleeve? Don’t miss comics legend and New York Times Bestselling Author more

  • 8.0
    The Comic Addiction - Antony Ellis Jul 12, 2009

    X-Men Forever is a great book – and it really shouldn’t work but it does! I’m enjoying Claremont’s continuation of the book and only hope that other fans are picking this title up and not simply casting the title aside based on the quality of some of Claremont’s more recent attempts at kicking starting an X-Book. This is no New Excalibur – Chris Claremont is really back on his a-game with X-Men Forever. Read Full Review

  • 4.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 8, 2009

    I was content to follow X-Men Forever with the understanding that it would offer an entertaining and nostalgic story told in a very dated fashion. Sadly, this issue proves I can't even count on that much. With each issue of Forever, Claremont moves these characters further and further away from how I remember them from 1991. I suspect within another issue or two, this series will be almost totally unrecognizable in that context. Change can be a very good thing, but only when that change is tempered by logic and restraint. Maybe it's better to let the past stay dead. Read Full Review

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