Marvel Girl, Korvus and Lilandra are the only resistance to Vulcan’s reign, but Vulcan aims to end their rebellion. With Havok, Polaris and rest of the Starjammers in prison, they don’t stand to get much help. The Shi’Ar Empire is expanding under Emperor Vulcan’s reign… Come see the road to the WAR OF KINGS! Rated T+ …$3.99
Thanks solely to the fact that Vulcan continues to underwhelm, I'm not sure Kingbreaker will prove terribly vital to appreciating War of Kings as a whole. But despite its flaws, this story is doing exactly what it set out to do. It's making me salivate for more of the story, and leaving me hopeful War of Kings will be the worthy follow-up to the first Annihilation I've been waiting for. Read Full Review
Like I said, I enjoyed the issue because of what it was, and not for what it did within the four walls of the page. "War of Kings" completists like me will want to check this issue out simply for more background on what's sure to be an exciting conflict in the year to come. However, don't expect to be wowed, unless you're easily thrilled by a comic that can be as close to true average as a Marvel comic can. Read Full Review
But with Yost and Weaver on the job, the future looks as bleak as the present. Read Full Review