X-Statix #5

Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Paul Pope Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
6.0Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

In an attempt to create good PR for Arnie, now known as the Mysterious Fan Boy, Guy and Lacuna take him on a mission in the Bayou.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 6, 2002

    A rather uninspired finish to the Arnie situation, as we see Guy tricks the young man into believing the team is welcoming with open arms, while he's busy orchestrating his death. Now this issue does a pretty solid job of keeping Guy's true intentions hidden, and there's some very amusing moments that result from the idea that Guy's plan calls for harmony within the X-Statix group. However, in it's bid to keep us out of the loop the story essentially glosses over what should've been a very powerful exchange between Guy & Lacuna, where she learn what her role in Guy's big plan is slated to be. There's also something to be said for the idea that Arnie was able to restore the legs that he blasted off a member of O-Force, but he was unable to repair his own body, though a more disturbing idea comes up at the funeral as we see Arnie's mother knew about her son's bad heart, and yet she kept this information to herself. This issue also offers up yet another "I quit" moment from Guy, an idea t Read Full Review

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