X-Treme X-Men #2

Writer: Gregory Pak Artist: Stephen Segovia Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 29, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
5.8Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

Dazzler adjusts to life dimension hopping on the run.When the Xavier farm warns of universe-destroying trouble, Howlett and Dazzler butt heads over leadership of the team.And when a jump goes wrong, will the whole team make it to the next dimension?

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Aug 29, 2012

    I was a little unsure how this series would separate itself from the idea of being a different version of EXILES. There is a different hook and goal for the characters. We do get that familiar mysterious feeling of not knowing what a new world might bring to the team. Greg Pak is setting up a deeper story that will hopefully continue to be fresh as they travel from world to world. Segovia has the task of creating the visuals for Pak's different worlds along with new and different versions of the characters we know. With so many different X-titles it might be easy to question why there is a need for this but because it is so separate from the others, you can easily just focus on this series and not have to worry about a ton of other X-MEN books. If you're looking for a fun ride through the multiverse this comic is your ticket. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Tommy Lutz Aug 29, 2012

    Overall, this comic, although maybe not necessary, is not useless. It's a fun new series with a lot of depth and dependency on the multiverse that Marvel has created in the X-men franchise. It's a surprisingly great read, and I suggest it for any X-men fan. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 29, 2012

    X-Treme X-Men improves enough in its second issue that I'm willing to stick around for a bit. Pak has a strong enough handle on Dazzler that the series isn't forced to coast by merely on its sillier qualities. But there are a number of problems still to be addressed. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Aug 31, 2012

    The initial promise is lost as caution, and characterisation, is thrown to the wind. Dazzler acts like a bit of a dick for most of this issue, and rather than getting to know this new world, a bunch of 'stuff' happens until a convenient plot changer turns up to whisk part of the group off to somewhere or other. Do we care? We should, but for two months in a row, Greg Pak has failed to engage us with what should be a no-brainer of a title. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comicville - Jake Pippin Sep 17, 2012

    X-Treme X-Men needs to step it up to stay on my pull list. I think the ideas they are playing with are great, but it's lost in translation. Like I said in the last review, there is some potential here for a great series. As of right now, the only reason Im going to get issue 3, is because of the addition of the Steampunk professor and the funny looking Magneto. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Sep 3, 2012

    Dazzler and company are a pale substitute for Blink and her crew from "Exiles," a title that blazed the trail for alternate-reality hopping adventure series. I really want to like what Pak and Segovia are doing here, but after two issues, I've come to the startling realization that maybe I just simply want "Exiles" back. Read Full Review

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