In Marvel Animation's new series, we find Peter Parker still finding his footing on his journey to becoming the Spider-Man we all know and love!
In this series, you can take the very first steps along with him as he discovers his powers, decides to become a hero, and even picks out his name and costume! Now Peter's gotta survive an entire Freshman year as a newbie crime-fighting vigilante... and if you think you know how this story goes, you are in for a surprise!
Whether you're a seasoned Spider-Man fan or new to the character, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1 is a must-read. It's a fun and engaging introduction to the world of Peter Parker and his incredible adventures. Read Full Review
A fun start, but this Spider-Man back story is missing a couple of emotional ties to why he's Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. My guess though is we are going to get that in the next issue or so! Read Full Review
I wanted to like Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1 more than I did. But I need a little bit more before I fully hop on and since the next issue is probably set to drop around the series premiere, maybe that'll happen. Read Full Review