Kick-Ass #4

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: John Romita Jr. Publisher: Marvel Icon Release Date: August 27, 2008 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 10
8.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

The most exciting new character of the year debuts as Hit-Girl slashes her way into the pages of Kick-Ass. She's nine years old, loves Hello Kitty and could rip out your windpipe before you even get a chance to plead for mercy. But where did she come from? And who is Big Daddy? Plus, Kick-Ass starts to find out what happens when you tick off the real-world criminals who have ignored him until now. Things turn ugly and that can mean only one thing...God, this comic is so good I could cry. And I'm very butch.
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  • 10
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Aug 27, 2008

    Allinall, it was glorious overthetop violence and I loved every minute of it. This isn't some deep plot and there's no real drama here, but the visceral action will grab you just the same. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Aug 28, 2008

    As much as I find these new characters disgusting, I couldn't help but oogle over the carnage they inflict. And the hilarious last sentence uttered by Hit Girl on the final page literally made me spit my drink out at McDonalds. Well played, Millar. Well played. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Joey Davidson Aug 28, 2008

    But overall this issue does not disappoint. Millar even manages to squeeze in a Marvel 1985 reference; this is, of course, his own series. Fans of the storyline, and there are plenty of you out there, will be excited enough to continue with the next installment. Read Full Review

  • 7.1
    IGN - Richard George Aug 27, 2008

    As a lead character, Dave has lost my interest. He seems to hit the same themes, with little progression. No other characters are filling that void. The plot seems to throw more of the same in the way of sharp weapons and buckets of blood. It's all mildly entertaining, but not what I hoped it would be when I finished the first issue months ago. Kick-Ass can either be a fascinating analysis of culture and heroism, or simply another tolerable slaughterhouse. Unfortunately it seems to be leaning heavily in one direction. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Sep 11, 2008

    I don't know precisely what's going on in this issue, but that's okay. It actually works for the story, as Kick-Ass doesn't know either, and the narrative conveys that well. The mystery of Hit-Girl and Big Daddylooks like it may be the step past the whole "coming of age in a wetsuit" business into a story with some real-world consequences, (though, I suppose having your spine broken and relearning how to walk is a consequence)but I have to say that the pain of watching Dave pretend to be gay to get a girl (Huh?) is moreworse than that of allthe decapitations, disembowelings and car-crusher-murders combined. John Romita's art is as detailed as ever, giving us characters that are believable for their age and general demeanor (Hit-Girl, f'rinstance, looks like a ten year old girl, albeit a ten-year-old girl with acrobatic skills and a penchant for chopping off limbs) and handling action sequences with aplomb. Mark Millar crafts a fun story, about which my only complaint wa Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Sep 2, 2008

    Every reader has a few guilty pleasures in their comics diet, and Kick-Ass continues to be one of mine. Yes, there are some flaws in the book's logic (the fact that Big Daddy and Hit Girl appear to be far more experienced and polished crime-fighters than Kick-Ass doesn't quite jibe with the idea that Dave is meant to have inspired the costumed crime-fighter trend), and the world of the book is becoming further and further removed from reality as the story goes on, but this title is still providing a fairly fun and original take on familiar superhero conventions, and Romita's artwork is always worth a read. I just hope that there's a little less of a reliance on blood and guts to make the book feel exciting and "adult" over the course of the next few issues. Read Full Review

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