Alias #23

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Michael Gaydos Publisher: Marvel Max Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 11
8.0Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Part 2 in the "Secret Origin" of Jessica Jones! It's the shocking debut of Jessica Jones: Superhero, and the first chapter of her secret past revealed. Guest-starring Peter Parker & Thor.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 16, 2003

    A somewhat predictable affair, that doesn't really bring anything new to the table when it comes to detailing Jessica tentative first steps on her path to becoming a costumed hero. However, it a pretty enjoyable exercise that manages to play up the idea that Jessica isn't exactly your run over the mill super-hero, as her encounter with Thor is a hilarious contrast between the two characters. I also hold a certain fondness for these type stories, as my favorite sequence in the Spider-Man film was his awkward looking pursuit of Uncle Ben's killer, as there's something intrinsically entertaining about the idea of a hero who is pushed into action when they are completely unprepared, and watching Jessica test out her powers is a nice first step down this road. In the end the issue is pretty entertaining, as the Scorpion scene made me smile, and one does have to love the little exchange on the final page as Jessica gets her first opportunity to bask in the lukewarm praise of the gathered cro Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Kozlowski Jun 10, 2003

    "The Secret Origin of Jessica Jones" turns out to be more of a coming of age story than a traditional super-hero origin tale. Bendis' writing is brilliant from start to finish, especially Jessica's moment with her adoptive father. Jessica's high-school aged characterization is very compelling; her confusion and angst at her situation is quite believable and painfully honest - I can't imagine what well of experience Bendis was tapping for this. I just wish that there were two or three more issues to cover what happens between high school and Alias #1. Predicting the direction that Brian Michael Bendis might travel next is nearly impossible, but I certainly hope he returns to finish what he's started here. Read Full Review

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