The Man From Maybe #1
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The Man From Maybe #1

Writer: Jordan Thomas Artist: Shaky Kane Publisher: Oni Press Release Date: October 18, 2023 Cover Price: $6.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
7.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

In the dry and dead future that's coming soon, all life belongs to Oppenheimer-obsessed billionaire Harvard Denny and his corporate scavengers from Smile, Inc., who pillage the wastelands in search of atomic contraband.
As the race to acquire the a crashed spacecraft's cargo begins, our fate will be decided by a masked bandit and the cold iron of his laser rifle. He knows no name, no home, no surrender-only the whispered hush of those in need who dare call him . . . THE MAN FROM MAYBE!
Give yourself over to an upside-down world where all mutants eat lead and all dinosaurs speak truth in the DOUBLE-SIZED, 48-PAGE debut of a postmodern, more

  • 7.0
    Capes & Tights - Taylor Jordan Oct 9, 2023

    Welcome to the post-apocalyptic world where billionaire Harvard Denny and Smile, Inc. have taken over everything, and everything runs on atomic energy. It's a lawless and dangerous world, but amidst all this chaos, there's a man who goes by the name of The Man from Maybe. Read Full Review

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