Three years ago, Vampires announced their presence to the world in grand fashion; in one instant, Angel lost her two best friends and her existence changed forever. Now, as a member of the Vampire Bounty Hunter Union, and with the help of her ancient vampiric mentor Jessamy, she's out to track down the bloodthirsty monsters who destroyed her life. She is... Stake.
Stake #1 is a fantastic debut that took my expectations and shattered them. There's parts that caught me as a reader completely off guard. I want to see what comes next and where the series goes from here. It's not the simple direction I was thinking. While the concept might sound like a vampire story you've read and seen so many times before the actual end product is so much different. Read Full Review
Overall I enjoyed Stake #1. It is not the greatest first issue ever, but it gets you involved with the story and characters. The overall vibe and tone of the issue are fantastic. Stake #1 has that nice feel of taking itself seriously, but not too seriously. It has horror vibes through and through, but it also throws in some nice banter and jokes along the way. While the story does need some tweaking and everything isn't perfect, I think Stake #1 is on the right path to be a bloodsucking good series. Read Full Review
I'm not entirely sold on the TikTok/YouTube premise, but it's a solid take on a familiar genre, with really impressive art and innovative coloring. Read Full Review
For a first issue, there are a number of questions that are left hanging, whether they be about the characters or how this books version of Vampires can exist in daylight to pique the interest of any Vampire fan. Is it enough to carry on through a crowded market place, I don't know. Still, with Scout Comics, Byrne and Fantini have a publisher who are going about the business of publishing interesting comic books. Read Full Review
The story itself followers the titular hunter living in a world where the vampires' presence has been revealed and tends to take a lot of risks with its story and art, which is definitely hit or miss across the spectrum of this introduction. Read Full Review
"Stake" #1 misses the mark with confusing layouts, a disjointed plot and forced humor. Read Full Review