Royal Blood #1
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Royal Blood #1

Writer: Alejandro Jodorowsky Artist: Dongzi Lui Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: November 19, 2014 Cover Price: $16.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
5.9Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

A shocking tale of betrayal, lust and warring kingdoms, from acclaimed creator Alexander Jodorowsky! Wounded, betrayed and left for dead, King Alvar returns to his kingdom to regain his stolen throne. Hungry for revenge, Alvar finds himself in the middle of a bloody political game for power. To keep his throne he must crush his enemies who would destroy him with their machinations. But his own horrific appetites may prove his undoing!

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Al Sparrow Dec 21, 2014

    As good as Royal Blood is, it's important to point out that the material is definitely suited to an older audience, with enough gore and incest going on to merit caution before proceeding if you're not used to that sort of material. Having said that, the book will scratch that itch you're having while waiting for the next season of Game of Thrones to come out. Be warned, though, you might find yourself enjoying it enough to seek out more of Jodorowsky's work, and there's a lot of it out there. Here's hoping Titan will continue to pair his words up with brilliant artists and bring us more books like this. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Nov 18, 2014

    Symbolism abound in this exciting and never boring epic of love, death and treachery. I challenge anyone to read this book and be bored for even a second. It's a page turner, and one that'll make you think about life and love in different ways. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Nov 18, 2014

    Sadly, that is not enough to make Royal Blood worth reading. The story isn't bad but ultimately has very little plot or point. Still, the great artwork is worth looking at and the most enthusiastic of fantasy fans and history buffs may enjoy this book despite its standard story. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Aug 13, 2014

    Overall, there is absolutely no reason to pick this comic up or support those who peddled it. The plot line feels about as substantive as one might find in a soft porn movie, which is only reinforced by the self-indulgent and overly grandiose dialogue. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Bastards - Brian S. Roe Jan 14, 2015

    But I don't get the sense that this story is anything more than an attempt to out tragedy Shakespeare, to be more violent than George R. R. Martin, to show us soft lily-livered modern folk how real shit used to be back before society made us wash our hands and file our taxes and the world was nothing more than kill or be killed, rape or be raped. Royal Blood feels like something that was created just to shock. The combination of beautiful art and atrocious characters is quite shocking, just not in the way that I think Jodorowsky intended. Read Full Review

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