Tankie and her trigger-happy family are going for gold in the first of a brand new series! Take a trip with us down the Furry Road for an issue of vim, volitility and verbal abuse!
Sorry to gush so much, but I just haven't enjoyed or laughed at a comic this much in a long time. I've found a brand new IP to enjoy, and if you like comedy in your comics, fun and creative art as well as a fresh story that will NOT head in a direction you could guess, give this a read. Read Full Review
I loved this book and can’t express it enough. I highly recommend it if you enjoy silly and fun books. If you haven’t been following Tank Girl go pick up Two Girls One Tank so you are up to date with the current story and then check this one out. You wont be disappointed. Now excuse me while I go watch the movie because I need me some more Tank Girl! Read Full Review
The Tank Girl universe continues its revitalisation process with the beginning of the next series in the Alan Martin/Brett Parson collaboration era, Tank Girl: Gold. Following on directly from their last miniseries, Two Girls One Tank, published in four parts earlier this year and following the resurrection of the much-beloved Sub Girl, Tank Girl: Gold begins with the usual gang, Sub Girl's dead corpse, a malfunctioning submarine and a metric fuck ton of Nazi gold bullions. Read Full Review
This is a great start to the next Tank Girl story arc. The last left us feeling the feels, but this one has us both confused, stricken with laughter, and curious as to what this group is going to do with so much Nazi Gold"ahem, I mean Tank Girl Gold. Whatever they choose, I'm sure it will be nothing short of EPIC. Read Full Review
Tank Girl is just an action hero that swears a lot, which is a pity as there's much which can be done with the character, and Tank Girl Gold #1 is a tad disappointing as it simply retreads what's come before without adding anything new. Read Full Review
For readers interested in picking up there first Tank Girl book, I ask that you please pass on this one. It is not a great representation of Tank Girl's vulgar charm. For established fans, it's worth the price of admission to stay current on the ongoing story arc. It is the equivalent of methadone while you wait for the next big fix. Read Full Review