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Under: Scourge of the Sewer #2

Writer: Christophe Bec Artist: Stefano Raffaele Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: January 17, 2018 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Some people bury their secrets underground. In Megalopolis, the dirt flows into the sewers. LT Wilson Jericho, disgraced from his position above ground and now an officer in the sewer police, thinks he knows everything there is to know about what lies beneath. But scientist Sandra Yeatman is determined to discover the truth behind the legends, and something is threatening to crawl out and rip the city apart...

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - Nathan Koffler Jan 17, 2018

    The writer and artist use all 52 of their pages to create a comic book experience that is nothing but fun. The gore, the horror, the drama, and the action come together to form one of my favorite comic books in a while. I gave the first issue a 10/10 and I have no reservation giving this second issue a 10/10 as well. Read Full Review

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