When the unstoppable cosmic force of the Undoer threatens the existence of Earth itself, disgraced government agent Brenton Demm must shake off a lifetime's worth of regret and save us all.
Writer: Steve Orlando (Wonder Woman, Outlaw Territory)
Artist: Ricardo López Ortiz (Deadpool, Hit-Girl: Colombia)
Colorist: Triona Farrell (Black Widow, Crowded)
Letterer: Thomas Mauer
Editor: Sebastian Girner
Overall, fans of futuristic dystopian lands will want to get in on this series. The creative team came at this first issue hard, and it leaves a monolithic impact. I am beyond eager to see whats in store for the rest of this series. Orland and Ortiz are not messing around! Read Full Review
The Pull releases at a crucial time; between all of the flashy action, the fantastic cyberpunk world, an overarching cosmic horror, are characters genuinely trying to help everyone as much as they can. However how can everyone help one another when all they do is factionalize? Read Full Review
As for Steve Orlando: he knocked this out of the park. He plants seeds of doubt along the way, keeping readers guessing from start to finish. Read Full Review
'The Pull' is an absolute trip. It tells a story that is both anarchic and heartfelt, packed with plenty of high concepts and bloodshed. Read Full Review