The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Tempest #4 (Top Shelf)

Writer: Alan Moore Artist: Kevin O'Neill Publisher: Top Shelf Productions Release Date: January 9, 2019 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
10Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

Legendary swords clash atop the Paris Opera in 1913, while almost a century later a declining London witnesses assassination attempts, summit meetings in Haggerston Park, and the catastrophic return of a 1960s super-adventurer. Elsewhere, in the four-dimensional territories adjacent to the North Pole, a lost Shakespeare play sees its first and last performance, while Queen Gloriana's conjurer finally reveals the nature of his five-hundred-year-old game. Topping off an already heady mixture, this issue's classic Seven Stars reprint depicts our halcyon heroes as "Captives of the Creepyverse," another reason not to miss the unfolding of Moore an more

  • 10
    AIPT - Arbaz M. Khan Jan 9, 2020

    It is easy to call Moore a cynic of modern art, especially with his critique of superhero films. But it's not a desire for us to fail as people, but for us to be our own superheroes. The joy of Alan Moore, and of great art, is that it asks us as consumers to strive for elevation of our selves. LxG is the definitive reason why I can allow myself to be a better, more empathetic person. Moore was the first author in comics that asked me to look beyond my current imagination and to extrapolate that into the history of my cultural touchstones. Read Full Review

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